фаршированый перец
Main ingredients:
1 can of tomato juice, salted
2 large red peppers
1/2 cup brown rice (try substituting roasted buckwheat)
1/4 cup vegetable protein flakes (TVP, ground beef substitute) or quinoa or Mushrooms (shiitake or portobello work well)
Vegan cheese, hard (optional)
Recommended flavoring:
Whatever you want
Soy sauce
Chilli paste
About the dish:
This is a fantastic, flexible dish that is always a hit. It's a great way to eat rice and a great way use peppers. It stores well and makes a great lunch portion. The pepper is here shown cut open.
1. Cut out the stem from the pepper, leaving a hole (Do not cut off the entire top part as there will be nothing left to prevent the filling from coming out and will also be a waste of perfectly good pepper)
2. Steam the pepper very lightly or microwave just to soften it (makes stuffing easier)
3. In a pot, cook the rice. Cook well to make it stickier
4. While the rice is cooking, put vegetable protein flakes with 1/4 cup water on medium heat. Add mushrooms if using.
5. To the vegetable protein, add plenty of soy or other sauce, lime juice, any spices, some chilli paste for heat. This part is entirely up to you
6. Fry protein for a few minutes and add the cooked rice
7. Mix the rice with the protein, taste, add more sauce and spices if you like
8. Stuff the mixture tightly into the peppers (Leave 1-2 tbsp of rice aside)
9. Cut a few long sticks of cheese and stuff into the peppers (optional)
10. Put peppers into a tight pot
11. Pour tomato juice over the peppers about half way (you can put peppers on the side depending on amount of juice you add and size of the pot)
12. Put remaining rice into the tomato juice
13. Bring to a light boil and cook until peppers are soft and the tomato juice has thickened a bit
14. Serve pepper in a ladel-ful of tomatoe juice
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